Carbrook Junior School
View previous communications here

Fiona Burnett
Head of Junior School,
Carbrook Junior School
Term 1 - Week 5
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are now at the half way point for the term. It is so pleasing to see everyone settling into their new classes and making new friends. Our new staff members have also become part of our Calvary Community very quickly and we are grateful for the expertise they bring to the team.
This week we received some great news from the Queensland Government. From 6pm on Friday 4 March, masks will no longer be required at workplaces and schools. We will move back to full Junior School Assemblies and Chapels and our camps and excursions will forge ahead after the 4 as planned. As of Monday 7 March we welcome you back on Campus to attend Chapels, Assemblies and enjoy coffee at the College Canteen. We are excited that the restrictions are lifting and we can have you more present on site as part of our community.
Thursday 10 March Assembly
This is a special date for our Year 6 Leadership Team. They will be officially inducted during our Assembly on the 10 March at 2.15pm. Traditionally, this is done at the start of the year, however, due to restrictions we did not want their families missing out on this special occasion.
Prep Interviews for 2023
This week our Pre-prep friends from Kingdom Kids started their Prep Interviews. We are so excited to start this transition time with our Pre-Preps.
We love that the Pre-Preps are already part of our community. They have weekly visits to the farm, library and kitchens. Mrs Clarke and her team do an exceptional job of providing a wonderful and seamless transition across the fence.
From midway through the year we run a fortnightly transition program in which our teachers visit Prep and the Pre-Preps visit Prep and buddy up with a friend. Our Pre-Preps also come to our Assemblies and Chapels. We have found this to be a valuable part of building deeper connections and belonging.
If you have not already made an interview for your sibling starting in Prep next year please do so via the Registrar Kath Reid –
College Photo Day
On Wednesday we had our annual College Photo Day. We understand that some of our students missed this day for various reasons. There are three opportunities for these students to have a make-up photo.
Thursday 3 March – Make-Up Photo Day at the Carbrook Campus from 11.30am
Tuesday 8 March at the Springwood Campus from 7:45 - 8:20am
Tuesday 11 October when we have our group photo day scheduled
Please ensure your student has full formal uniform (stages 1-3) or full sports uniform (prep) on the day they are having their photo taken.
Social Emotional Well-Being
As part of our Social Emotional formations, this term, our Junior School is exploring friendships and how to navigate these. You may hear the terms “friendship fire” or “mean on purpose”. We are educating the students that a “friendship fire” is something many friendships have and by talking through the conflict during a friendship fire, it can be resolved. “Mean on Purpose” is something that needs to be reported to teachers. Already the students are identifying what is a friendship fire and what is mean on purpose and using the tool box to help them work through these issues.
Thank you for your continued support as we move through Term 1 of 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Burnett
Head of Junior School, Carbrook
CAPA Update - Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of
Performing Arts
A big ‘Welcome’ from the CAPA team to Mrs Sandi Ong who joins us as the woodwind teacher. It is so exciting to be able to expand the program and instrument choices for the students. Welcome Sandi.
Rehearsal Timetable Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles
The timetable for rehearsals is released and we encourage students to participate in the program. Please go to the following link and register your child’s interest in being involved in the program.
Year 3/4 Strings and 4/5 Band Program
This week we met with all the students and handed most of them an instrument. Some instruments are still on their way to the college and hopefully we will be able to hand these out next week. Further details will be emailed to you in the coming week.
New Carbrook Dance Program
Dance classes commenced at the Carbrook Campus with Debra Whitten and her team and have been a great success. The classes will be technique and potentially exam based with a concert in Term 4. The link to sign up for these classes is here.
Information regarding the classes can be found below in the communication.
A reminder if you have not already joined the CAPA Facebook page, please do so as there will be information put there regularly regarding performances.
Should you wish to contact me my email address is
2022 P&F Update
Please find a letter from the P&F Committee below
Privious Communications
Principal Communications 17 February
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 10-February
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 3rd February
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 10 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 17 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 24 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 31 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 21 April
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 28 April
01 January 0001