Springwood Junior School
View previous communications here

Kim Winton
Head of Junior School,
Springwood Junior School
Term 1 - Week 5
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week ended with a stunning Calvary event - the Year 12 formal at Sirromet. This night contributed many happy memories collected of the student’s time at Calvary. We wish our Year 12 students the best for the coming months as they complete their final year of school.
Clubs update
Clubs are up and running and it is great to see so many students invested in the different things on offer. We have added Debating for Stage 3 students, Futsal starts up this week, and are very excited to welcome back Mr Patrick Farrell who is leading the STOMP club on Wednesday mornings from next week. See the roster below for the full list of clubs available.
4 March Restrictions Easing
The latest government update states that from 6pm Friday 4 March, schools can return to hosting our usual Assemblies, Chapel and excursions. This means Year 5 Camp is going ahead as planned. Restrictions are easing for visitors onsite, so Happy Hens will be running as usual and please refer to our stage facebook groups where teachers will indicate when parent helpers are needed.
Chapel / Assembly
From Wednesday 9 March, we will be able to invite families to Chapel and Assemblies held at Real Life Church on Wednesday afternoons from 2:15pm.
Wednesday 9 March will be our year 6 leader induction Assembly. All Year 6 students will receive their badge, and we will introduce our 2022 school captains and prefects to the community.
Cross Country/Fun Run
A brochure went home with students this week promoting a Fun Run Fundraiser. Preps to Yr 12 are invited to participate in the Fun Run, it will be held on the same day as the competitive Cross Country Carnival on Wednesday 23 March 2022. Preps will only be participating in the Fun Run and this replaces their usual end of term Prep Fun Run. We’d love to see our families there encouraging the kids. It will be held at the oval at the Carbrook Campus.
Interviews for Prep 2023
This week and next, we are holding interviews for students enrolling in Prep 2023. If your child is beginning Prep next year and you haven’t completed your application (or someone you know has a child beginning Prep in 2023), please contact Kath Reid our Enrolments Officer. Kath will be able to answer any questions you may have and book in a tour or interview to secure your child’s spot. Kath.reid@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Again, thank you for your patience and support. I can’t believe we are already at the half way point of Term 1! Everyone playing their part has contributed to a very calm and successful start to this year.
Privious Communications
Principal Communications 17 February
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 10 February
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 3 February
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 3 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 10 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 17 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 24 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 31 March
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 21 April
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 28 April
01 January 0001
Principal Communications 28 April (1)
01 January 0001