Springwood Junior School Communications, 10 Feb 2022
Term 1 - Week 3
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fantastic first week back. It has been wonderful to reunite with friends that we have missed over the break. Our students have settled in well and our new students are already making connections with their teachers and friends in their stages. Congratulations to our Prep families for getting through the first week so successfully. The smiles on the children’s faces tell the story of a fun and exciting week.
Scholarships - 2023 Academic Scholarships Applications Now Open
Scholarship Exam Details
Exam date: Saturday 5 March 2022
Registration Closes: Sunday 20th of February
Cost: $100
Who is eligible to apply:
Apply for a Level 1 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 7 in 2023.
Apply for a Level 2 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 9 in 2023.
Apply for a Level 3 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 11 in 2023.
More information and applications can be accessed here: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/scholarships
Our Co-curricular and Clubs Timetable is below. Please go over the offerings with your child/children to see if they would like to take part in any of the activities. There is a lot to choose from and please note the stages certain clubs are open to. Certain clubs will have permission forms or slips to complete and send through for attendance. It can all be found in todays communication.
Parents on Campus
Please be reminded that due to the current government regulations, parents of Prep and Stage 1 are able to drop their child to the classrooms in the morning. We ask that the time spent on campus is quick. There is a staff member on duty at the undercover area from 8am. Students who arrive at school are asked to take their bag to their classroom and come down to play either at the undercover area (bouncing balls and running only), the Happy Hens play café, or the sandpit, until the bell goes to line up for the start of the day.
Parent Information Session
Tonight is our Parent Information Evening – Please refer to the links below to log into our ZOOM sessions.
Meeting ID: 743 6847 3477 Passcode: DcmS3c
STAGE 1 Parent Information Evening
Meeting ID: 627 427 5459 Passcode: CCC
STAGE 2 Parent Information Evening
Meeting ID: 764 5640 5303 Passcode: 5KyTJm
STAGE 3 Parent Information Evening
Meeting ID: 792 150 9841 Passcode: 8EV9vE
We are looking forward to the week ahead with Happy Hens opening for take always on Tuesday and our first team of Year 6 helpers at the helm. The College birthday gift to all students this year is a voucher for Happy Hens. I love the way our little café blesses the whole community.
Yours faithfully
Kim Winton
Sport 2022 Update
Logan District Sports convenor has scheduled the first round of the Stage 3 Student’s Interschool Sport to commence on Friday 18 March. The Semester One round will be slightly shorter than normal, due to the Covid closures at the start of the year. In PE Class this week I will be talking to the students about this Semester’s options and get them to select their sports. Lunch time training will commence when we have finalised the teams.
Two Sporting Clubs will be launching next week. A before school Running Club will be available for our Y1-6 students on a Tuesday morning, and lunch time Futsal clubs will commence. The Futsal Club will be for those students who have registered for the Stage 2&3 Futsal Program, however we will welcome students to give futsal a try, at these clubs, before registering. Please see further information in the links below.
Please see last week’s communications with information about Representative Sport. Any notices requiring printing out are available at the Office.
Y1-6 Before School Running Club
Y1-6 Before School Registration
Clubs @ Springwood
Special Interest and Sporting Clubs will commence next week on the Springwood Campus.
Please see links to our Term 1 Clubs Roster and various information to some of the clubs that we have on offer. Any form requiring printing out is available at the Office.
Ballet, Jazz & Hip Hop Clubs - Creative Dance
CAPA Update
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
A big ‘Welcome Back’ from the CAPA team. It is so lovely to have the students back making music in the College. Many things have changed in the department including new programs and staff. It is exciting times for CAPA and we hope that you and your children will come on the journey with us.
Rehearsal Timetable Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles
The timetable for rehearsals is released and we encourage students to participate in the program. Please go to the following link and register your child’s interest in being involved in the program.
Timetable can be found on our Website via the link below.
Year 3/4 Strings and 4/5 Band Program
Today we met with all the students to check instrument suitability with them. Their classes will begin next week, and a timetable will be forwarded to you and their class teachers very shortly. There was a lovely buzz happening from the students as they held the instruments for the first time.
A reminder if you have not already joined the CAPA Facebook page, please do so as there will be information put there regularly regarding performances.
Should you wish to contact me my email address is gary.holley@calvarycc.qld.edu.au.
Instrumental Programs @ Calvary
Managing COVID 19 in Students
If you are required to test your child for the virus, please see below an exert from the College Fact Sheet on how to inform the school of the testing results:
Submitting evidence of covid tests to the College:
Evidence of all results need to be submitted to the College via email (jessica.short@calvarycc.qld.edu.au). PCR test results can be forwarded to the College. RAT results will need to be photographed alongside a handwritten note and emailed to the College. The note should contain the following:
· Student name
· Class
· Date of test
· Time test was conducted
· Time photograph was taken
RAT results can become invalid if left for longer than 20 minutes. Therefore, photos must be taken within a 15-20 minute window from the time the RAT was conducted.
For further information, please see the Fact Sheet link below:
Fact Sheet- Managing COVID 19 in students
Girls Brigade
Is an opportunity for all girls of all ages to come together to learn new skills, enjoy activities, and discover how Jesus can be part of their lives.